Cooking toys for kids provide a fantastic opportunity to spark their creativity, develop essential life skills, and cultivate a love for cooking from an early age. In 2023, the market is filled with a wide array of cooking toys that offer engaging and educational experiences for children.

From play kitchens to baking sets, these toys not only provide hours of entertainment but also promote cognitive development, motor skills, and social interaction.

In this article, we will explore some of the best cooking toys for kids to check out in 2023, offering parents a guide to choosing the perfect culinary playtime companion for their little ones.

Play Kitchens and Accessories

Play kitchens are a classic choice for encouraging imaginative play and introducing kids to the world of cooking. In 2023, several impressive play kitchen sets and accessories are worth considering.

Brands such as KidKraft, Melissa & Doug, and Step2 offer high-quality play kitchens with realistic features like stovetops, sinks, and storage compartments. These sets come in various sizes and designs to suit different spaces and preferences.

Additionally, play kitchen accessories like pots, pans, utensils, and play food are essential to enhance the culinary experience.

Brands like Hape and Learning Resources provide durable and safe accessories that mimic real kitchen tools. Look for sets that offer a diverse range of play food items, allowing children to explore different cuisines and learn about healthy eating habits.

Baking Sets and Mixers

Baking sets are an excellent choice for kids who enjoy sweet treats and want to try their hand at baking. In 2023, there are several baking sets that stand out for their quality and functionality. The Easy-Bake Ultimate Oven remains a popular option, offering a safe and interactive baking experience.

Other brands, like Curious Chef and Handstand Kitchen, provide comprehensive baking sets that include utensils, measuring tools, and recipes tailored for young bakers.

For a more realistic experience, toy mixers are a great addition to a baking set. Brands such as Casdon and Theo Klein offer mini-stand mixers that mimic the functionality of real ones. These mixers are battery-operated and allow kids to mix ingredients and knead the dough, promoting hand-eye coordination and motor skills.

Educational Cooking Kits

Educational cooking kits provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn about different aspects of cooking while engaging in hands-on activities. These kits often include step-by-step instructions, experiments, and educational materials.

One notable option is the Little Cooks Co. subscription box, which delivers a new baking kit each month, complete with pre-measured ingredients and recipe cards. This subscription service encourages kids to explore new flavors and develop essential cooking skills.

In addition to baking, there are cooking kits available that focus on other culinary techniques, such as sushi making or pizza crafting. Brands like Thames & Kosmos and SmartLab Toys offer comprehensive kits that combine cooking with science, allowing children to experiment and learn about the chemistry and physics behind food preparation.

Food Role-Play Sets

Food role-play sets provide an immersive experience that encourages social interaction and creativity. Brands like Melissa & Doug and Learning Resources offer playsets that feature grocery store setups, food trucks, or restaurant themes.

These sets include playing with food items, cash registers, menus, and other accessories to simulate real-world scenarios.

Food role-play sets not only foster imaginative play but also teach kids about food recognition, categorization, and social skills. They can also help develop basic math skills as children engage in activities like counting money or taking orders.


In 2023, the market offers a wide range of cooking toys that are not only fun but also educational for kids. From play kitchens and baking sets to educational cooking kits and food role-play sets, there are plenty of options to suit different interests and age groups.

These toys provide children with valuable opportunities to learn about cooking, nutrition, creativity, and social interaction. As parents, investing in high-quality cooking toys for kids can inspire a lifelong love for culinary exploration and foster essential life skills from an early age.

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